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Getting Featured in the Media as an Out of Town Artist at Fringe Festivals


Alchemical Records Washington DC Logo

When I first began applying for fringe festivals, I would get a little frustrated when festivals would limit the number of out of town productions. It wasn’t until I started touring my solo show, The Holy O, to fringe festivals that I began to realize the reason behind this parameter. Promoting a solo show at a fringe festival in a city where you do not live has proven to be incredibly difficult.

Most fringe festival productions gain traction by word of mouth. Local artists get a lot of word of mouth publicity because their friends are willing and ready to talk them up. But out of town artists have to resort to other sources of promotion, such as media coverage, social media campaigns, and hustling postcards at other fringe shows.

The first stop the 2023 tour of The Holy O, was Capital Fringe in Washington, DC. I spend a lot of time preparing my press release and contacting the media, hoping someone would pick up the story. I was thrilled when Alchemical Records, a local DC site dedicated to being a leading source for music news and entertainment reached out to me. The article was something an out of town artist can only dream of, as it featured two out of town productions with an in-depth description of the productions. The article was thoughtful and made my work just a little easier.

Read the full article HERE.

The Holy O 2023 Fringe Festival Tour

July 2023- Capital Fringe Festival

August 2023- Omaha Fringe Festival

September 2023- Vancouver Fringe Festival

Get more information on The Holy O tour HERE.

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